Ukraine & Novorossiya: There Never Was A Ceasefire

Small Logo By: Joaquin Flores

Ukraine & Novorossiya: There Never Was A Ceasefire


Reading our analysis of the mechanisms involved in this war, going back to February, reveals our assessment regarding the simulacrum or hyperreality of the NATO vs. Russia proxy effort in the former Ukraine.  In examining the recent example of the ‘Ceasefire’ of early-mid September, we will explain why there never was an actual ‘Ceasefire’, and how this does not represent any kind of failing on the part of Russian strategic thinking nor does it represent any kind of betrayal of the interests of Novorossiya.  Rather, similar to Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and the attempt on Syria, the goal of the US is to create a failed state in central-eastern Europe out of the former Ukraine.

sirte Sirte in Libya

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Battlefield Eastern Europe: The Anglo-American Alliance VS. The Eurasian Project

Small Logo By: J.V Capone

Battlefield Eastern Europe: The Anglo-American Alliance VS. The Eurasian Project

Paul Plane interviews Joaquin Flores – recorded March 30th 2014


Audio.  Run-time approximately 2 hours

*Correct Predictions and forecasts regarding Ukraine and Russian strategy

*Correct Predictions and forecasts regarding EU and US strategy and tactics

* Further Predictions about upcoming events including Ukrainian secession and independence referendum vs. illegal elections Continue reading

Doğu Perinçek, Worker’s Party leader: Free at Last!

Flag_of_workers_party_of_Turkey Press Release (distribute widely)

Our efforts in Turkey have found success in securing release of Comrade Perinçek yesterday March 10th, who suffered six years in Turkish prison.  Continue reading

An Open Revolt in Turkey

Small Logo by: Joaquin Flores

An Open Revolt in Turkey

Font BOE Protests and demonstrations opposing the ruling AKP in Turkey have rocked Istanbul, Ankara, and other cities over the last week. There are a number of demands, social and Turkey Protest.JPEG-03ffceconomic, but also significant among them is the demand to pull out of Syrian intrigues, end the alliance with NATO and USrael, and even for Erdogan to step down. This is either aimed at ushering in new elections before the 2014-2015 election cycle or possibly even something more radical than this. Naturally the latter possibility will depend in large part on both the role of the trade unions and the military. Both institutions having large numbers of sympathizers of nationalism (and related), Kemalism, and communism (and related); these can with some provisos be placed under the category ‘Eurasianist Current in Turkey’ and under this the subheading ‘Ergenekon’ [1.]  Continue reading