Electric Yerevan and Lessons on the Color-Spring Tactic

Small Logo by : Joaquin Flores


Electric Yerevan & Lessons on the Color-Spring Tactic




old-english-calligraphy-alphabet-the Electric Yerevan protest provides us with an excellent opportunity to review some of the basic underlying mechanics and psychology of the Color-Spring tactic.  It is important to share these publicly, for it is indeed probable that the Color-Spring tactic will be increasingly applied in the world as a “hybrid soft-power/hard-power tactic”.

A moral principle held by Gene Sharp, who was one of the tactic’s main developers, was that violence is not necessary for revolution. What is strange, contradictory, even dishonest here is that violence is reduced taxonomically to the physical violence of the state’s gendarmes against the civilians.  But we know that violence comes in many forms.

We live in a time of great violence; physical, psychological, legal, economic, spiritual violence.  Not only has the Color Revolution tactic engendered the latter four, but its mutation into the Arab Spring tactic also employs heinous physical violence.  We can see today, tens of thousands dead in Libya, hundreds of thousands in Syria, and a mounting figure in Ukraine which threatens to surpass the precedents.

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Tribune: Russian Spring- The Ukrainian Crisis and Prospects of Federal State of Novorossiya

Small Logo By: J.V Capone

Tribune: Russian Spring- The Ukrainian Crisis and Prospects of Federal State of Novorossiya

old-english-calligraphy-alphabet-the following is a translation of an article about this public educational, co-sponsored by the Center for Syncretic Studies, which appeared in New Serbian Political Thought (NSPM) Magazine, in Serbia.  Оргинал на српском се може наћии на овом линку – The original can be found here: Трибина ”Руско пролеће- украјинска криза и перспективе Новорусије” .  It covers last week’s public educational ‘Tribunal’ led by several of Serbia’s geopolitical analysts, for the residents of Sremska Mitrovica. The presentations were given by  Milos Milojevic, Joaquin Flores, & Dragana Trifkovic. Continue reading

The Ukrainian Failed State: Analysis of Phase 3

Small Logo By:  Joaquin Flores

The Ukrainian Failed State: Analysis of Phase 3

Part 6 in our series

Sunday’s election sees an increase in ‘anti-Russian’ representation in the Rada: US-backed Pravy Sektor and Svoboda pressure on the US-backed Kiev Junta corroborates a Phase 3 plan, as the Kiev Junta may resume major operations.  The US needs to create a failed state in Ukraine to advance its agenda, with Poroshenko getting caught in the middle.  Both sides vie for the 4GW advantage, while being careful to not lose site of reality from the expanding hyper-reality. 


A Note to Readers:  This is the 6th installment of a series of related reports on the real underlying methods and framework which characterize the Ukrainian civil war.  These are thorough in exploring and explaining, in as full a way as possible, the most relevant factors which operate upon this phenomenon.  Like our previous works on the subject, this report is approximately 50 pages at about 15,500 words.  In addition to these six reports, there are another dozen or so shorter articles on the subject to be found on our site, as well as about two dozen interviews and podcasts, which can be found either in the multimedia section or embedded in the shorter articles where indicated.  Being familiar with our past reports makes this report more flexible.  A reader is then able to read each chapter as a stand-alone article


old-english-calligraphy-alphabet-the election of Sunday, October 26th, was called by Poroshenko to ostensibly push the government into an even further anti-Russian position.  On the face of it, the election aimed to escalate what has been termed a ‘lustration’ process [1]. This fits well into the common narrative, being that Poroshenko is directly controlled by the US to push against Russia.  While this is true, there is also another more complex dynamic unfolding, which will be explored in this report. Continue reading

Explaining The Battle For Donetsk Airport


Small Logo By: J.V Capone

Explaining The Battle For Donetsk Airport

Video: interview with Joaquin Flores – 9 minutes

old-english-calligraphy-alphabet-t578x319he Donetsk airport served not a direct military role, but a political one, as Flores explains in this 9 minute piece.  The US was using this airport as a makeshift military base to house the operations of Death Squads.  These Death Squads were going out at night and engaging in murders, kidnappings/abductions, rapes, assassinations, and sabotage.

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