Strelkov Predicts Next False Flag & Malaysia Hoax: The Power of Crazy

Small Logo By: J.V Capone


Malaysia Hoax: The Power of Crazy

Video – 27 minutes. Link at bottom – YT embedded

Update: At the time of publishing Igor Strelkov has confirmed his view that the US and Kiev Junta are preparing  a false flag or hoax in a Donbass chemical industrial factory. Then the US will say, according to Strelkov, that rebels with help of Russia did it.  The link for this Strelkov talk, for Russian speakers, is below as well.

In this special length feature, Morris Herman interviews our Joaquin Flores on the subject of the intelligence and ideological significance and ramifications of the Malaysian Flight MH-17 and MH-370, as well as the aftermath.

morris herman      syncretic_joaquin


This interview covers some of the following:  The US is lacking in strategic thinking, and these are admissions made by H.Clinton and Kerry in recent months and years, and confirmed by high ranking strategists such as Brzezinski, Kissinger, and Luttwak.  There are a number of reasons for this, banally connected to weaknesses and decay which emerge from long periods of success.  But more particular to Anglo-Saxon culture these are  due to factors relating to internal corruption and nepotism, a culture of yes-men and eager to please functionaries, and a climate where disagreement with superiors on professional matters is taken to a personal level (this discouraging useful disagreement).  This produces the Abilene Paradox (group-think), as discussed in prior talks from Flores.  This is also in part because of a workaholic culture where people cannot divorce their professions and professional opinions from themselves-as-people.  Thus disagreement with ideas of a generalist superior by a specialist underling are taken as invalidation of the person-hood of the superior.


Photo Credit – Jim Stone

The ‘best’ way to manage this problem in the short term is to turn this ‘weakness into a success’.  The US does have its own genius level thinkers and planners, but they are politically marginalized within their respective departments for reasons mentioned above, and as well they are numerically small.  At the highest functional level, given the US’s ability at least to accurately self assess this deficiency, there has been some level of success in turning this weakness into a success.  In US culture, the expression most fitting is ‘turning chicken shit into chicken salad’.

This the problem of being unable to plan is being spun into the best strength it can be: The Power of Crazy.

The Power of Crazy is exemplified in the Malaysian Flight downing by the US occupational government in Kiev.  This is what is explored herein.

The Malaysian flight that went down in Ukraine has mostly already been exposed as a hoax or false flag; that the bodies may have already been dead, and that the plane was the one that disappeared back in March as flight MH 370; that flight MH 370 was the one used under the guise of MH 17 over Novorossiya.  Many are aware of this  and even more over, greater numbers aware on the superficial level that it was the US and Ukraine behind this and that Russia was not involved in the shoot down.  The evidence is emerging that it is the Americans and Ukrainians that are behind this.


But what hasn’t registered yet in all spheres of social media and public chatter is the fact that the significant backpedaling over this issue on the part of the Americans represents a significant defeat, the tactic was foiled.  To understand the backpedaling is to understand certain key linguistic signs.  The language is important because this mirrors the language used, practically verbatim, used by Kerry and others surrounding the Syrian Chemical Weapons hoax and false flag.  Kerry and Obama’s language changed around this, using flimsier and less committed language.

The less committed language mirrors their actual commitment.  Therefore likewise, we see then now saying that they are not going to escalate their commitment; no troops on the ground, etc.

In addition, in this interview many other related themes and theoretical points dealing with 4G warfare and the infowar in general, including Russia’s role in exposing false flags and hoaxes perpetuated by the US regime.

The Strelkov prediction and warning

The Flores interview on Malaysia – Power of Crazy


13 thoughts on “Strelkov Predicts Next False Flag & Malaysia Hoax: The Power of Crazy

  1. Being crazy is a part of game theory, right? If it is true that the Kiev forces launched four Tochka ballistic missiles, then they are continuing with the craziness. Still, I think you have to factor in that the US has gotten away with good marketing triumphing over substance for a long time. It would be understandable for those in DC to feel that they now have media dominance, and that should be just about enough. If and when Russia gets provoked enough to actually intervene in a visible way, the Western media can just say Russia is bad.

    On a different topic, it would be good if you would write an article some time on what many of us fear is a serious failure of Russian diplomacy over the last 15 years or so. Almost all of the ex-Soviet states have a strong anti-Russian undertow, and Belarus and Kazakhstan could easily change dramatically with a new leader. The Atlanticist approach of building up radically anti-Russian groups in countries throughout Eastern Europe while Russia does nothing comparable has been questionable.

  2. Hi Joaquin, in lieu of escalating events around the world it seems like a very long time that we haven’t heard from you. An enlightening interview with Morris. I have one question in general regarding all your interviews with him. Why do they always begin and end in the middle of your interview. Why can’t your interviews with him begin like “We’re now speaking with Joaquin Flores of….” and end with “Thank you very much for taking the time to talk to me….” It just seems like always the real beginning and real ending is always not on tape and we’re not getting the whole discussion. Also it would be helpful if you could post on your website immediately when you have an interview anywhere on the internet and of course with Morris.

    Here are some observations of mine that have developed since I posted a comment last. Some things have been given clarity on account of developments and time elapsed.
    1. As an encouraging sign western Ukraine is experiencing increasing protest and rebellion against the war in the East. I didn’t realize until now but there’s an anti-Maidan you tube channel to look at. Unfortuntately it’s all in Ukrainian-Russian but you can gather good information from it. Also here’s an update on the rebellion in the western Ukraine.
    When you combine this rebellion against the war with the upcoming revulsion of the western Ukrainian population against the austerity to be imposed by the Kiev junta then you have the ingredients of another revolution in all of Ukraine. This is exactly what Russia is counting on and this is why they didn’t want to intervene openly, if it is still possible, in the eastern provinces.
    2. It’s obvious now that the downing of the plane was done by the Kiev Junta-CIA. There’s no doubt about it. The plane was lured into the killing zone just like President Kennedy was lured into the killing zone on Elm St. in Dallas. The only question I have is was it done only to frame Russia or was it done because they thought the plane was carrying President Putin. Here’s a provocative article on the second possibility.
    3. A really fascinating story I read the other day was Germany trying to arrange a a grand settlement of the Ukraine crisis between the west and Russia. I don’t have the exact web source but you can google it. The fact that Germany is putting itself as a neutral moderator is striking. The important point is not that Germay will succeed or not (the US and Kiev Junta will just ignore it) but the fact of it. Could it be that we are witnessing the strengthening of the industrial class in Germany against the Nato militarists. There seems to be a deepening rapport between Merkel and Putin. They met at the BRICS summit in Brazil. Merkel is fluent in German and Russian and Putin is also fluent in both. Joaquin please listen to and read Jim Willie who has a website called He’s a whiz of statistics and has a very thorough knowledge of economics and geo politics. He’s been saying for many years now that the BRICS will be forming a new international bank many years before it actually happened. He has great inside sources who feed him vital information. He’s absolutely convinced that Germany and soon France to follow will become part of the BRICS as allies and will be integrated with the Eurasian land mass, including China. It’s just a matter of time before Germany gets out of the EU, Euro and Nato regardless of the actions coming out of Brussels. Germany has a choice, go down in ruins with the US and UK or flourish in trade with the BRICS. I’m sure that Germany will make the right decision. You can find his interviews and articles on his website.
    4. Regarding the Eurasianist movement, I think that Russia in the future sees the whole of Ukraine becoming part of it, regardless of the diabolical goals of the Kiev Junta fascists. Russia had to recognize Crimea simply because of the strategic military importance of it. They didn’t want to recognize east Ukraine because it’s not in their longterm interest to see Ukraine divided. And possibly the Russian strategy of letting nature take it course is bearing fruit in the rebellion all over Ukraine as I pointed out in item 1. If the Ukrainian people can overthrow this depotic group in Kiev and stop the bloodshed in the east then the Ukrainian people as a whole will have learned a very valuable lesson about what happens when you let the US and the west run your country. Ukraine may become a stronger member of the Eurasian Union after all that transpires. Russian is a great civilization and because of this it has patience and a long term outlook.

  3. Hi Joaquin, in lieu of escalating events around the world it seems like a very long time that we haven’t heard from you. An enlightening interview with Morris. I have one question in general regarding all your interviews with him. Why do they always begin and end in the middle of your interview. Why can’t your interviews with him begin like “We’re now speaking with Joaquin Flores of….” and end with “Thank you very much for taking the time to talk to me….” It just seems like always the real beginning and real ending is always not on tape and we’re not getting the whole discussion. Also it would be helpful if you could post on your website immediately when you have an interview anywhere on the internet and of course with Morris.

    Here are some observations of mine that have developed since I posted a comment last. Some things have been given clarity on account of developments and time elapsed.
    1. As an encouraging sign western Ukraine is experiencing increasing protest and rebellion against the war in the East. I didn’t realize until now but there’s an anti-Maidan you tube channel to look at. Unfortuntately it’s all in Ukrainian-Russian but you can gather good information from it. Also here’s an update on the rebellion in the western Ukraine.
    When you combine this rebellion against the war with the upcoming revulsion of the western Ukrainian population against the austerity to be imposed by the Kiev junta then you have the ingredients of another revolution in all of Ukraine. This is exactly what Russia is counting on and this is why they didn’t want to intervene openly, if it is still possible, in the eastern provinces.
    2. It’s obvious now that the downing of the plane was done by the Kiev Junta-CIA. There’s no doubt about it. The plane was lured into the killing zone just like President Kennedy was lured into the killing zone on Elm St. in Dallas. The only question I have is was it done only to frame Russia or was it done because they thought the plane was carrying President Putin. Here’s a provocative article on the second possibility.
    3. A really fascinating story I read the other day was Germany trying to arrange a grand settlement of the Ukraine crisis between the west and Russia. I don’t have the exact web source but you can google it. The fact that Germany is putting itself as a neutral moderator is striking. The important point is not that Germay will succeed or not (the US and Kiev Junta will just ignore it) but the fact of it. Could it be that we are witnessing the strengthening of the industrial class in Germany against the Nato militarists. There seems to be a deepening rapport between Merkel and Putin. They met at the BRICS summit in Brazil. Merkel is fluent in German and Russian and Putin is also fluent in both. Joaquin please listen to and read Jim Willie who has a website called He’s a whiz of statistics and has a very thorough knowledge of economics and geo politics. He’s been saying for many years now that the BRICS will be forming a new international bank many years before it actually happened. He has great inside sources who feed him vital information. He’s absolutely convinced that Germany and soon France to follow will become part of the BRICS as allies and will be integrated with the Eurasian land mass, including China. It’s just a matter of time before Germany gets out of the EU, Euro and Nato regardless of the actions coming out of Brussels. Germany has a choice, go down in ruins with the US and UK or flourish in trade with the BRICS. I’m sure that Germany will make the right decision. You can find his interviews and articles on his website.
    4. Regarding the Eurasianist movement, I think that Russia in the future sees the whole of Ukraine becoming part of it, regardless of the diabolical goals of the Kiev Junta fascists. Russia had to recognize Crimea simply because of the strategic military importance of it. They didn’t want to recognize east Ukraine because it’s not in their long term interest to see Ukraine divided. And possibly the Russian strategy of letting nature take its course is bearing fruit in the rebellion all over Ukraine as I pointed out in item 1. If the Ukrainian people can overthrow this despotic group in Kiev and stop the bloodshed in the east then the Ukrainian people as a whole will have learned a very valuable lesson about what happens when you let the US and the west run your country. Ukraine may become a stronger member of the Eurasian Union after all that transpires. Russia is a great civilization and because of this it has patience and a long term outlook.

  4. Here is an open letter to Vladimir Putin.
    “Dear Mr. Putin,
    I truly respected your resoluteness when you sent troops into South Ossetia against the criminal aggression of Shakashvili of Georgia. I admired your lightning fast absorption of the Crimea into Russia. But then something happened. When the people overwhelmingly voted in Lugansk and Donetsk to join Russia you gave them the cold shoulder. OK I thought maybe this is just geo-politics and just the time is not right. But look at what has happened since then. Thousands of your fellow Russians have been murdered in cold blood by the horrible psychopaths in Kiev. Sure the Russian patriots are giving them a bloody nose and fighting valiantly. But you know what. Kiev is not interested in occupying the area and facing guerillas. They are planning on obliterating everything and everyone. If the rebels are the fish and the people there are the lake then the Kiev junta is draining the lake and the rebels won’t have anywhere to hide eventually. They are doing what Timoshenko talked about in a telephone conversation. They will ethnically cleanse the area of Russians and eventually replace them with non Russian Ukrainians. This massacre has gone on long enough, don’t you think. It’s obvious what the Kiev junta and their masters are planning on doing. If you don’t do something about it soon not only will the Kiev junta and their masters have blood on their hands but you will too. God damnit your fellow Russians are being slaughtered right on your border. You have all the right in the world to intervene and protect them. Morality is on your side. Don’t worry what the west will say. They’re insulting you anyways. Just do the right thing. Stop this bullshit of going to the UN which is a useless organization and pleading for humanitarian help. Stop listening to Merkel whispering sweet nothings in your ear. She’s trying to disarm you just like Lady Thatcher did to Gorbachev. As she talks nonsense about a peace treaty the killers keep on killing. Mr. Putin I worry about you. I think you lost your mojo. I hope you’re not upset by all the name calling going on in the western papers and by the western “leaders”. I hope that you won’t be willing to do anything to be loved by them. And who are them. Obama, Cameron, Hollande, and Merkel are the sorriest lot of wussies and cowards that one could ever meet. Just look at the lot of them. Look at their faces, their demeanor. They are bullies and cowards. You stand up to them and they will squirm. I guarantee it. You’re a real man. You’re a black belt judo master. You were a high ranking KGB officer in east Germany. I’ve seen you ride a bear. Show what you’re made of. Send the troops into Novorossia to save the people there, threaten the west with counter sanctions and threaten to cut off the gas and they will be scared to shit. You punch a playground bully in the nose and the bully runs to mama. You don’t negotiate with them or make concessions or they take that as a sign of weakness. They are not nice and fair people who you can deal with. They are declaring economic and just about military war with you and you have to fight back. You must prepare the people for possible hard times and explain that it is not of your choosing. If you do nothing and allow the Kiev bastards to slaughter and ethnically cleanse Lugansk and Donetsk then you as a person and Russia itself is finished. It’s all downhill after this. The west won’t stop there. They and the Kiev junta fresh from victory will then attack Crimea. Will you again do nothing and let them kick you out of the Crimea and the naval base. They then won’t stop at that. They will demand more and more and more until your country is broken up into little pieces. And then once Russia is defeated and weak then maybe just maybe they will lift sanctions. Mr. Putin crunch time is coming and your decisions will mean you will be either considered an historical hero and Russian patriot or go down as Gorbachev/Yelstin #2. Please do the right thing for all of us.”

  5. Pingback: Plane shot down,Malaysia seems to have bigger problems they might not be telling us - Page 5

  6. Hank,
    There are several reasons for Russia’s non-intervention. First it is what the enemy wanted and the first rule of war is never do what your enemy wants you to do. Second, the western press was in full hysteria mode, which helped to cement public opinion and politicians behind NATO. That support is now weakening. Third, Russia surely expected a false flag operation. It would have been much worse if MH17 had been downed with Russia actually in East Ukraine. Fourth Moscow had some sanctions in mind that would punish its most vocal critics and fuel rebellion in southern Europe. Greece is now up in arms. Fifthly, it would give time for German industrialists time to seriously twist Merkel’s arm. German industrialist have a massive clout in Germany and they stand to lose billions. Six, it would give time for the grisly facts of MH17 to come to light. Seven, winter is approaching, Kiev is bankrupt and Europe starts turning on their gas. The longer the Russians stay away from Ukraine the better. Time is on Putin’s side. Of course this comes at a terrible price for people in the affected areas but as each day passes NATO becomes weaker, and without European support the US simply cannot go it alone in Ukraine. There may come a time when Putin has to act in East Ukraine, but the longer he can hold off the better.

    • I really would like to know, since President Putin, is a master strategist, what is his end game regarding eastern Ukraine. Does he really understand the game plan of the Kiev Junta in the east. They’re not interested in dominating the Russians in the east. They want to totally cleanse the area of Russians in order to do two things: bring in fracking equipment to extract gas and to replace the Russian population with western Ukrainians. To the Kiev Junta it doesn’t mean anything how many Ukrainian soldiers die or defect to the rebels or leave to Russia. They’ll continue to take pot shots at Russian speaking houses, factories, schools and anything of infrastructure by long distance missiles and white phosphorous and make life miserable for the population until they give up and leave. Once the areas are de-Russified then the drilling equipment will come in, western Ukrainians will colonize formerly Russian speaking areas and NATO will establish military bases right on Russia’s border. This is the game plan of the fascists and they can wait and wait and kill and destroy until they get their way. They are not going to stop at all. Period. The fascists are taking advantage of Putin’s timidity and weakness. Putin sends a large convoy of trucks to help out the residents of eastern Ukraine. Ukraine just stops it. The trucks are at the border wating and waiting while Russians keep on dying by the hundreds. Your move Mr. Putin. What are you going to do now. Are you going to go back to the useless UN and complain and play more games. What is your game plan. Are you going to allow the population to be decimated and replaced, nato bases on your border and gas fracking to commence all because Ukraine’s border is sancrosanct. I totally agree with Paul Craig Roberts on this. Russia has the ability to free the east Ukraine and NATO would not dare attack the Russian army. Quit this nonsense with the truck convoy. It’s not going anywhere. The Kiev junta will just play games with Putin. Mr. Putin has really two choices. Either let the Kiev junta win and de-Russify the east with all of the ramifications above or send in the army to free the people there. There are no other choices.

  7. I just had an epiphany of sorts today. I’ve arrived at the conclusion that there’s not going to be world war 3 between Russia and the west for the simple reason that Putin has called the west’s bluff on sanctions and boy has there been a blowback in Europe. I find the desperation of countries like Finland, Lithuania, Poland, etc. on the sanctions fallout for their agriculture very delightful. Hello there leaders of these anti Russian nations, what did you think Russia would eventually do to your sanctions on them. It kinda hurts doesn’t it when it effects your pocketbook. These pathetic “leaders” must still think of Russia as Yeltsin’s Russia. No more. One little growl from the Russian bear and these pathetic little leaders are running to their mommy EU for financial help. Believe me this is just the first of growls. The next one is going to be directed at the Ukrainian thugs and their Nato/EU backers. I guarantee the Russian convoy is going through to relieve the misery of the people of Donetsk and Lugansk by hook or by crook. I’m now convinced that Russia is not going to allow genocide in eastern Ukraine. The large truck convoy is the first of many and probably will include military convoys as well. Timing is everything and Putin has really shown to be a master of it. He waited and waited, took the insults thrown at him by the subservient press and BOOM, caused a bombshell of a counter sanctions move. I’ll tell you why the EU and Nato will back down on both sanctions and confrontation with Russia. Because the leaders of these nations are all bullies and cowards. And like a bully in the playground, it only takes one time for a kid to punch the bully in the face for the bully to run to his mommy. And once Russia takes action in Ukraine it will be quick and decisive an the west won’t know what hit them. That’s it. End of the short lived Cold War #2. Oh and by the way even if the cowardly EU does back off on sanctions I think it will be a really good gesture to reward the countries that stood by Russia in the vote at the UN. That means getting produce from China, Brazil, Argentina, Nicaragua (most of Latin America), etc. Fuck Europe. Who needs them, they’re going down the drain anyways and by the way that includes also Germany. They’ll follow their US masters down the toilet drain and good riddance. Russia, Asia, Africa and Latin America can trade between themselves and do very good thank you.

  8. Pingback: Strelkov Predicts Next False Flag & Malaysia Hoax: The Power of Crazy | gerryhiles

  9. Pingback: Understanding the Astounding Novorossiyan Victories | Center For Syncretic Studies

    • Speaking of ‘The Russians’, ‘The Japanese’, ‘The Bolivians’, ‘The Jews’, The Americans’ means their elites. It’s understood in that context practically universally. Thanks for your comment!

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